Kostenlose Testlizenz (15 Minuten)

Beginnend mit der Wrapper Version 3.5.0, beinhaltet der Java Service Wrapper nun eine einfache Testlizenz, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, den Wrapper für bis zu 15 Minuten auf einem Server Ihrer Wahl, so viele Male wie notwendig, auszuführen.

Die Testlizenz ist voll funktionsfähig und kann genutzt werden, um die Funktionalität des Wrappers auszuprobieren. Diese ist nützlich, um Konfigurationen auszuprobieren, bevor eine eigentliche Entwicklerlizenz erstellt wird, oder um schnelle Tests auf einem neuen Server oder Plattform auszuführen.

Testlizenzen sollten niemals in Produktionssystemen eingesetzt werden.

Wenn Sie feststellen, dass Sie mehr als 15 Minuten brauchen, um die Tests durchzuführen, fordern Sie bitte eine 1-Monat Testlizenz an oder kaufen Sie eine Server- oder Entwicklerlizenz.

Wie folgt ein Beispiel, was Sie sehen werden, wenn Sie die TestWrapper-Beispielanwendung mit einer zeitlich beschränkten Testlizenz ausführen. Wenn eine Kauflizenz genutzt wird, dann wird keine der HINWEIS-Meldungen angezeigt werden:

Running TestWrapper Example Application with test action: ...
wrapper  | STATUS | --> Wrapper Started as Console
wrapper  | STATUS | Java Service Wrapper Professional Edition 32-bit 3.x.x
wrapper  | STATUS |   Copyright (C) 1999-2023 Tanuki Software, Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.
wrapper  | STATUS |     https://wrapper.tanukisoftware.com
wrapper  | NOTICE | 
wrapper  | NOTICE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
wrapper  | NOTICE | Thank you for your interest in the Java Service Wrapper.
wrapper  | NOTICE | 
wrapper  | NOTICE | You are running with a full featured trial License Key which will allow
wrapper  | NOTICE | you to run or restart the Java Service Wrapper as many times as you
wrapper  | NOTICE | like.  Each invocation of the Wrapper will shutdown automatically after
wrapper  | NOTICE | 15 minutes.
wrapper  | NOTICE | 
wrapper  | NOTICE | This limited trial License Key is useful for quick configuration tests
wrapper  | NOTICE | on various machines without the need to request a trial license.  If
wrapper  | NOTICE | more time is required, you can also immediately obtain a one-month Free
wrapper  | NOTICE | trial license:
wrapper  | NOTICE |   https://wrapper.tanukisoftware.com/trial
wrapper  | NOTICE | 
wrapper  | NOTICE | The Java Service Wrapper requires a License Key to activate the
wrapper  | NOTICE | software.  License Keys can be purchased on the Java Service Wrapper
wrapper  | NOTICE | web site:
wrapper  | NOTICE |   https://wrapper.tanukisoftware.com/purchase
wrapper  | NOTICE | 
wrapper  | NOTICE | This trial License Key in intended for testing and development and
wrapper  | NOTICE | should not be used as part of a production environment.
wrapper  | NOTICE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
wrapper  | NOTICE | 
wrapper  | STATUS | 
wrapper  | STATUS | Launching a JVM...
jvm 1    | INFO   | WrapperManager: Initializing...
jvm 1    | INFO   | TestWrapper: Initializing...
jvm 1    | INFO   | TestWrapper: start()
jvm 1    | INFO   | TestWrapper: An action was not specified.  Default to "dialog".  Use "help" for list of actions.
jvm 1    | INFO   | TestWrapper: ActionServer Enabled. 
jvm 1    | INFO   | TestWrapper:   Telnet localhost 9999
jvm 1    | INFO   | TestWrapper:   Commands: 
jvm 1    | INFO   | TestWrapper:     S: Shutdown
jvm 1    | INFO   | TestWrapper:     H: Expected Halt
jvm 1    | INFO   | TestWrapper:     R: Restart
jvm 1    | INFO   | TestWrapper:     D: Thread Dump
jvm 1    | INFO   | TestWrapper:     U: Unexpected Halt (Simulate crash)
jvm 1    | INFO   | TestWrapper:     V: Access Violation (Actual crash)
jvm 1    | INFO   | TestWrapper:     G: Make the JVM appear to be hung.
jvm 1    | INFO   | TestWrapper:
jvm 1    | INFO   | TestWrapper: Showing dialog...
jvm 1    | INFO   | <cut further application output>
wrapper  | NOTICE | 
wrapper  | NOTICE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
wrapper  | NOTICE | This trial license will shutdown in 5 minute(s).
wrapper  | NOTICE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
wrapper  | NOTICE | 
jvm 1    | INFO   | <cut further application output>
wrapper  | NOTICE | 
wrapper  | NOTICE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
wrapper  | NOTICE | This trial license will shutdown in 1 minute(s).
wrapper  | NOTICE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
wrapper  | NOTICE | 
jvm 1    | INFO   | <cut further application output>
wrapper  | NOTICE | 
wrapper  | NOTICE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
wrapper  | NOTICE | Thank you for trying out the Java Service Wrapper.
wrapper  | NOTICE | 
wrapper  | NOTICE | The term for this limited trial License Key has expired and the Wrapper
wrapper  | NOTICE | will now shutdown.  The limited trial License Key allows you to rerun
wrapper  | NOTICE | the Wrapper as many times as you need for your tests.  If more time is
wrapper  | NOTICE | required, you can also immediately obtain a one-month Free trial
wrapper  | NOTICE | license:
wrapper  | NOTICE |   https://wrapper.tanukisoftware.com/trial
wrapper  | NOTICE | 
wrapper  | NOTICE | The Java Service Wrapper requires a License Key to activate the
wrapper  | NOTICE | software.  License Keys can be purchased on the Java Service Wrapper
wrapper  | NOTICE | web site:
wrapper  | NOTICE |   https://wrapper.tanukisoftware.com/purchase
wrapper  | NOTICE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
wrapper  | NOTICE | 
jvm 1    | INFO   | TestWrapper: stop(0)
wrapper  | STATUS | <-- Wrapper Stopped