This procedure assumes that you already have an active account and a FREE TRIAL or a Server License assigned to it. Server Licenses can be purchased immediately online from your Server License Management Page. If you already have a server license and need to renew the Upgrade Term, please visit the Server License Upgrade Term page.

If you lost track of the license you own, send us an email to Include either your TSILA-NNNNNNNNNNNN license number, the existing wrapper-license.conf file, or the email address of the person managing the Server License.

Download License Key

The steps to download a license key for a sever license or a development license are similar. First, please log in to your account.

Server License

To see your server license(s), click on the Server License Management link.

Find the desired license key and click on the Download Key button.

Alternatively, if you have multiple server licenses in the same group, you can check the boxes next to the license agreement numbers and click on the Download Multiple Keys button.

The license key looks like the image below. Either copy and paste the license key text in a file on your computer or click on the Download button.

If you would like to learn more about the license key properties, please visit the properties overview page.


The existing license key on your server/machine will continue to function indefinitely. However, if you wish to upgrade the Wrapper to a new version, you will need to renew the server license Upgrade Term. After it has been renewed, a new license key will be generated. Please discard the old license key and use the new one instead.

Development License

To see your development license(s), click on the Development License Management link.

Find the desired license key and click on the Download Key button.


The existing license key embedded in your application will continue to function indefinitely. However, if you wish to upgrade the Wrapper to a newer version, you will need renew the annual maintenance TSIMS for your Development License. After it has been renewed, a new license key will be generated. Please discard the old license key and use the new on instead.

Install License Key

License file in Cascading Configuration File

It is often desirable to place the Wrapper License Key properties in a file other than the wrapper.conf. This can be done easily by making use of the "include file" (cascading style) functionality of Configuration files.

It is suggested that the License Key properties be placed in a file called wrapper-license.conf, located in the same directory as the wrapper.conf file. The license file is then included by placing a line like the following at the top of your wrapper.conf file:

#include ../conf/wrapper-license.conf

Note that the include file path is relative to the location of the Wrapper binary and NOT the wrapper.conf file. See the section on Cascading Configuration File ("include file") for further details and advice on how to debug problems with include files.

To make it simple to manage large numbers of license files, the Wrapper can be set up to load in license files based on the host names. This makes it possible to deploy all license files to all servers.

#include ../conf/wrapper-license-%WRAPPER_HOST_NAME%.conf


If you encounter any licensing problems, please set the wrapper.license.debug property and enable include file debugging. In combination, most configuration problems become obvious.


If you are having problems installing the license key or have any questions, feel free to contact us with a support request and sent it to We will be happy to help you.