Getting Help

Tanuki Software prides itself on offering a number of high quality support options with a fast turnaround.

To get up and running with the Wrapper, please take a look at our integration page.

If you are having problems with setup or with your running application, please take a look at our FAQ, Troubleshooting, and HowTo sections. If you are not making use of the latest version (3.5.59) then please take a look at the release notes as there is a good chance that the issue has already been resolved.

Submitting a Support Request

If you still have questions, please feel free to contact us with a support request and we will be happy to help out. When making a request about the Wrapper, please be sure to always include the following:

  • The version of the Wrapper you are using.
    You can obtain the Wrapper version by running "wrapper -v" from the command line.

  • The OS and version that you are running on.
    On Windows, please right click on "My Computer" in your start menu and select "Properties".
    On Mac OS X, please select "About This Mac" from the apple menu. Be sure to specify the Processor information.
    On UNIX platforms, please run "uname -a" from a terminal.

  • Your wrapper.conf file.
    This is useful to us to help resolve many configuration problems.

  • Your wrapper.log file.
    Please add the "wrapper.debug=true" property to your wrapper.conf and reproduce the issue you are seeing. Then include the full wrapper.log file with your request.

  • Your wrapper-license.conf file if you are running a Standard or Professional Edition.

For announcements, for instance of a new Release of the Wrapper etc., you can subscribe to the announcement mailing list (, hosted by Source Forge. Mailing list archives are also available.

Community Edition users, please post requests to our Wrapper User mailing list (, hosted by Source Forge. You must be subscribed to the list to post. Mailing list archives are also available.

Standard and Professional Edition users, as well as those with Trial licenses can also submit a confidential priority support request by sending the above information to

For requests about new licenses or license renewals, please contact us at