
Compatibilidad :3.3.1
Ediciones :Edición ProfesionaEdición EstándarEdición de la Comunidad (No Soportado)
Plataformas :WindowsMac OSX (No Soportado)Linux (No Soportado)IBM AIX (No Soportado)FreeBSD (No Soportado)HP-UX (No Soportado)Solaris (No Soportado)IBM z/OS (No Soportado)IBM z/Linux (No Soportado)

This property is only used for the consoleless version of the Wrapper binary "wrapperW.exe".

Format to use for logging to the log dialog. The log dialog is displayed by the Wrapper binary "wrapperW.exe" when the Wrapper exits in an error state and the wrapperW.exe binary is shutdown. Logging has been intentionally kept simple.

The format consists of the following tokens:

  • 'L' for log level,
  • 'P' for prefix,
  • 'D' (Since ver. 3.1.0) for thread,
  • 'T' for time,
  • 'Z' for millisecond time,
  • 'R' quiet duration in milliseconds showing the time since the previous JVM output,
  • 'U' (Since ver. 3.5.0) for approximate uptime in seconds (based on internal tick counter and is valid up to one year from startup),
  • 'G' (Since ver. 3.5.8) for time in milliseconds it tool to log the previous log entry (See wrapper.log.warning.threshold for more information),
  • 'W' (Since ver. 3.5.30) for the PID of the Wrapper process.
  • 'J' (Since ver. 3.5.30) for the PID of the Java process (if the JVM is up).
  • 'M' for message.

If the format contains these tokens above, then it will be output with the specified formation. The order of the tokens does not affect the way the log appears, but the 'M' (for message) token should usually be placed last as it is the only column without a uniform width. If the property is missing tokens or commented out, then the default value 'LPM' will be used.

Property Example:

Property Example:

Logging Disable:

Setting the property to a blank value will cause dialog logging to be disabled.

Property Example:

Output Example:

The following examples demonstrate the output with various settings. Note that the first two lines are output from the Wrapper, while the last is output from the JVM.

Output Example with the property "wrapper.logdialog.format=LPZM"
STATUS | wrapper  | 2001/12/11 13:45:33.560 | --> Wrapper Started as Console
STATUS | wrapper  | 2001/12/11 13:45:33.560 | Launching a JVM...
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2001/12/11 13:45:35.575 | Initializing...
Output Example with the property "wrapper.logdialog.format=LPTM"
STATUS | wrapper  | 2001/12/11 13:45:33 | --> Wrapper Started as Console
STATUS | wrapper  | 2001/12/11 13:45:33 | Launching a JVM...
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2001/12/11 13:45:35 | Initializing...
Output Example with the property "wrapper.logdialog.format=PTM"
wrapper  | 2001/12/11 13:45:33 | --> Wrapper Started as Console
wrapper  | 2001/12/11 13:45:33 | Launching a JVM...
jvm 1    | 2001/12/11 13:45:35 | Initializing...
Output Example with the property "wrapper.logdialog.format=PM"
wrapper  | --> Wrapper Started as Console
wrapper  | Launching a JVM...
jvm 1    | Initializing...
Output Example with the property "wrapper.logdialog.format=M"
--> Wrapper Started as Console
Launching a JVM...
Output Example with the property "wrapper.logdialog.format="
< No Output >

The 'D' format token is mainly useful for debugging the Wrapper. It displays which internal Wrapper thread output a given log message. It does not show information about Java threads.

Output Example with the property "wrapper.logdialog.format=LPDTM"
STATUS | wrapper  | main    | 2001/12/11 13:45:33 | --> Wrapper Started as Console
STATUS | wrapper  | main    | 2001/12/11 13:45:33 | Launching a JVM...
INFO   | jvm 1    | main    | 2001/12/11 13:45:35 | Initializing...


The log dialog is displayed by the consoleless version of the Wrapper binary "wrapperW.exe" when the Wrapper exits in an error state and the wrapperW.exe binary is shutdown. The wrapperW.exe binary is shipped with the Windows versions of the Wrapper Professional and Standard Editions and allows the Wrapper to be run as a consoleless Windows application without a visible console window.

Referencia: Propriedades de Configuración WrapperW

Propriedades que sólo se utilizan para wrapperw.exe: