
Compatibility :3.2.2
Editions :Professional EditionStandard EditionCommunity Edition
Platforms :Windows (Not Supported)Mac OSXLinuxIBM AIXFreeBSDHP-UXSolarisIBM z/OSIBM z/Linux

Makes it possible to control what the Wrapper process does when an "HUP" signal is received. The default value is FORWARD.

Valid modes to the JVM process include:

  • IGNORE to do nothing,
  • RESTART to restart the JVM,
  • SHUTDOWN to shutdown,
  • FORWARD to forward the signal,
  • PAUSE to pause the Wrapper (since 3.5.31),
  • RESUME to resume the Wrapper (since 3.5.31),
  • CLOSE_LOGFILE to close the log file. This value can be used to force the Wrapper to recreate a new log file after it has been moved or renamed. (since 3.5.31)

If the wrapper.ignore_signals property is set, this property will function as if it has the value of IGNORE.

If the signal is forwarded to the JVM, user code will have the opportunity to handle the signal by either processing the appropriate WrapperControlEvent event or via a custom WrapperListener implementation. See the JavaDocs for those classes for further details.



Changes to the value of this property will not have any affect on the Wrapper if the configuration is reloaded. The Wrapper must be restarted for changes to take effect.

Reference: Signal