
Compatibilidad :1.0.0
Ediciones :Edición ProfesionaEdición EstándarEdición de la Comunidad
Plataformas :WindowsMac OSXLinuxIBM AIXFreeBSDHP-UXSolarisIBM z/OSIBM z/Linux

Additional Java parameters to pass to Java when it is launched. These are not parameters for your application, but rather parameters for the JVM.

<n> component:

Each element has a property name which starts with "" and the "<n>" component of the property name is an integer number counting up from "1". By default the numbering should be in sequence without gaps". The wrapper.ignore_sequence_gaps property can optionally be set to allow gaps in the sequence.


It is important that each property only define a single argument to the JVM. If the value needs to include a space, then it is necessary to add quotes following the rules described below.

Example (Incorrect): -Dprop=TRUE


When the property is set to TRUE, if one of<n> properties is set to "-Xdebug", then the Wrapper will consider that the JVM is using a debugger and ignore certain timeouts.

If you wish to dynamically change the list of additional Java parameters, there are a few ways to do so. The first is to make use of cascading include files to append a generated configuration file listing the<n> properties along with your JVM options. Alternatively, you may use the property to reference a parameter file where you would simply list the JVM options without properties. Finally, you can pass the<n> as command line properties when launching the Wrapper.

Special case of the Java options that require arguments

Java 9 introduces several options (such as --module-path or --add-modules) that require to be specified with an argument. Usually the argument is separated from the option name by a space, but any space inside values of the<n> properties is interpreted as part of the argument value and not as delimiter. A solution is to separate the option name and the argument by an equal sign (=) instead of a space.,MODULE2

Note that this will only work with long options (those starting with '--') and not with their short aliases. For example, '-p=<PATH>' is not allowed ('-p' being an alias of '--module-path').

Another solution, which allows you to use both spaces and short aliases, is to use the JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. The content of this variable will be added to the options of the command line by the JVM. You can set it from the Wrapper configuration file by using the following syntax:


Note, however, that you will not be able to visualize the content of JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS when printing the Java command line (using the property), as it is only parsed by the JVM when it is launched.

You can read more information about the long options and the JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS variable on Oracle's website.<n>.stripquotes

Compatibilidad :1.0.0
Ediciones :Edición ProfesionaEdición EstándarEdición de la Comunidad
Plataformas :Windows (No Soportado)Mac OSXLinuxIBM AIXFreeBSDHP-UXSolarisIBM z/OSIBM z/Linux

If a<n> value contains quotes, then the contents of the quotes will be passed to the JVM as a single argument on Windows. However on UNIX, the quotes will also be included as part of the argument value. In most cases, this is not correct behavior on UNIX, but it is this way to maintain backwards compatibility.

The<n>.stripquotes property makes it possible to tell the Wrapper to automatically strip those extra quotes on UNIX. The property is ignored on Windows.

Defaults to the value of the property, which itself defaults to "FALSE".

<n> component:

Each element has a property name which starts with "" and the "<n>" component of the property name is an integer number counting up from "1". By default the numbering should be in sequence without gaps". The wrapper.ignore_sequence_gaps property can optionally be set to allow gaps in the sequence.


The following replacements will be made when stripping quotes. All other characters will remain unchanged.

  • '\\' will become '\',
  • '\"' will become '"'
  • '"' will become ''
Example:"../MyApp Home"

Compatibilidad :3.5.17
Ediciones :Edición ProfesionaEdición EstándarEdición de la Comunidad
Plataformas :Windows (No Soportado)Mac OSXLinuxIBM AIXFreeBSDHP-UXSolarisIBM z/OSIBM z/Linux

Makes it possible to change the default strip quotes behavior on UNIX when you wish to have the same behavior for all<n> property values. The default value is "FALSE". The property is ignored on Windows.


Compatibilidad :3.5.36
Ediciones :Edición ProfesionaEdición EstándarEdición de la Comunidad (No Soportado)
Plataformas :WindowsMac OSXLinuxIBM AIXFreeBSDHP-UXSolarisIBM z/OSIBM z/Linux

This property can be used to append the option with index 'n' only if the Java version is greater than or equal to the specified value.

The default value is '1.4' which is the oldest JVM version supported by the Wrapper. Any lower value is invalid and will cause the Wrapper to stop.

The value can be in the format '1.major[.minor[_revision]]' or 'major[.minor[.revision]]', regardless the version of Java. This is done to support both numbering schemes returned by 'java -version': prior to Java 9 the first format was used, while Java 9 and above use the second format.

The brackets indicate that the minor and revision components are optional. Leaving one or both unspecified means that these placeholders will accept any number.

Option with index 'n' is ignored for any Java version lower than 1.7:<n>.java_version.min=1.7
Option with index 'n' is ignored for any Java version lower than 8.0.40:<n>.java_version.min=8.0.40


Compatibilidad :3.5.36
Ediciones :Edición ProfesionaEdición EstándarEdición de la Comunidad (No Soportado)
Plataformas :WindowsMac OSXLinuxIBM AIXFreeBSDHP-UXSolarisIBM z/OSIBM z/Linux

This property can be used to append the option with index 'n' only if the Java version is lower than or equal to the specified value.

The default value is 'UNLIMITED'.

The value can be in the format '1.major[.minor[_revision]]' or 'major[.minor[.revision]]', regardless the version of Java. This is done to support both numbering schemes returned by 'java -version': prior to Java 9 the first format was used, while Java 9 and above use the second format.

The brackets indicate that the minor and revision components are optional. Leaving one or both unspecified means that these placeholders will accept any number.

Option with index 'n' is ignored for any Java version greater than 9.0.1:<n>.java_version.max=9.0.1
Option with index 'n' is ignored for any Java version greater than 9:<n>.java_version.max=9


Compatibilidad :3.5.16
Ediciones :Edición ProfesionaEdición EstándarEdición de la Comunidad
Plataformas :WindowsMac OSXLinuxIBM AIXFreeBSDHP-UXSolarisIBM z/OSIBM z/Linux

In certain cases, it can be inconvenient to list up your Java parameters in the Wrapper configuration file. This property provides a way to specify a file which can contain one or more parameters that will be passed as is to the JVM when it is launched. This can be very useful when the parameter list needs to be generated dynamically or via an installer.

Any parameters defined in this file will appear after those defined using the standard<n> properties.

Starting with Wrapper version 3.5.23, any environment variable references in the file will be expanded.


You may target different versions of Java by including the WRAPPER_JAVA_VERSION environment variable in the name of the file.

Parameter File Format:

The file format is simple.

  • It must start with an encoding directive line just like the Wrapper configuration file. This is needed to tell the Wrapper what encoding to use when reading the file. If this line is missing, then the Wrapper will attempt to proceed after logging a warning. The encoding used in the file may be different from the encoding used in other configuration files.
  • Multiple parameters can be written in one line by separating each parameter with one or more spaces.
  • It is also possible to break the parameters into multiple lines.
  • The '#' character is interpreted as a comment character. To include a '#' character in a property value, the value must either be quoted ("#") or escaped by a second '#' character.
  • If any of the values need to include a space, then it is necessary to add quotes following the rules described below to make sure the file works consistently across all platforms.
Example of Parameter File UTF-8:
# Example parameters: Multiple parameters in one line
-DTEST1=Value1 -DTEST2=Value2

# More parameters

Compatibilidad :3.5.36
Ediciones :Edición ProfesionaEdición EstándarEdición de la Comunidad
Plataformas :WindowsMac OSXLinuxIBM AIXFreeBSDHP-UXSolarisIBM z/OSIBM z/Linux

Specifies if the Java additional file is required or not. If it is required and not found, the Wrapper will stop without starting the JVM. If it is not required, the file will be ignored when not found.

The default value is TRUE.


Compatibilidad :3.5.16
Ediciones :Edición ProfesionaEdición EstándarEdición de la Comunidad
Plataformas :Windows (No Soportado)Mac OSXLinuxIBM AIXFreeBSDHP-UXSolarisIBM z/OSIBM z/Linux

Different platforms handle parameters with spaces differently. To make a given configuration work consistently, you should always quote those values. They will be used as is on Windows. However, on UNIX platforms, the quotes will be stripped as the command line is broken into a parameter list.

In almost all cases you will want to strip these quotes. The default value is "FALSE".

Example of Parameter File UTF-8:
-DTEST1=Value1 -DTEST2="Test Value with spaces."

Usage Examples

Integration Methods

The pages below describe 4 different methods on how to integrate a Java application with the Java Service Wrapper. Each method is illustrated with an example which uses the<n> properties to configuring things like memory, class and library paths.

JMX Control

The<n> properties can also be used to configure monitoring tools like VisualVM or JConsole.

Java Max Memory Control

The Wrapper provides several properties to control the memory that the JVM will be allowed to use. These properties have their equivalents using the<n> properties. Please refer to the pages below for details.