
Compatibilidad :3.3.0
Ediciones :Edición ProfesionaEdición Estándar (No Soportado)Edición de la Comunidad (No Soportado)
Plataformas :WindowsMac OSXLinuxIBM AIXFreeBSDHP-UXSolarisIBM z/OSIBM z/Linux

This property configures different log levels, which are used to tell the Wrapper how to log information about event commands being executed.

Like several of the event command properties, it can be defined:

  • Globally for all events: wrapper.event.default.command.loglevel property, or
  • For a specific event: wrapper.event.<event_name>.command.loglevel property.

The "<event_name>" component of the property name can be either the keyword "default", or one of the Event Types. By setting the default property, all Event Types which are not set explicitly will take on that value.

Currently only the command line of the event command is logged.

Valid log levels include:

  • NONE to never log,
  • FATAL to log at the FATAL log level,
  • ERROR to log at the ERROR log level,
  • WARN to log at the WARN log level,
  • STATUS to log at the STATUS log level,
  • INFO to log at the INFO log level,
  • DEBUG to log at the DEBUG log level.

The default value is DEBUG.



Setting the loglevel to INFO for example can be a useful way to debug the generated command lines without having to view all debug output.

Please see the Event Commands documentation for more examples and an explanation of how the various event properties can be used together.

Referencia: Comando de Eventos

El Java Service Wrapper proporciona un conjunto completo de propiedades de configuración que le permiten hacer que el Wrapper se adapte exactamente a sus necesidades. Por favor, lea la documentación de las propiedades individuales para ver todas las posibilidades además de los ejemplos mostrados anteriormente.