Index: Supported platforms (Wrapper version 3.4.*)



Windows 95/98/ME Usage reported Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable It has been reported that the Wrapper is working on this platforms, however due to the lack of Windows Services, it is only possible to run the Wrapper in console mode
Windows NT 4.0(-) Usage reported Not Applicable Not Applicable No Versions of Windows NT 4.0 (and below), don't support Windows Services. This OS is not part of the internal tests prior to release, however it has been reported that the Wrapper is working on this OS.
Windows 2000 In-House Tested Not Applicable Expected to run Not Applicable Prior to each release of the Wrapper will be tested briefly to ensure functionality.
Windows Server 2003 Usage reported Usage reported Usage reported Not Applicable
Windows Server 2003 SP1 Usage reported Usage reported Usage reported Not Applicable
Windows Server 2003 SP2 Usage reported In-House Tested Expected to run Not Applicable Brief pre-release tests.
Windows XP Expected to run Expected to run Expected to run Not Applicable
Windows XP SP1 Usage reported Expected to run Expected to run Not Applicable
Windows XP SP2 Usage reported In-House Tested In-House Tested Not Applicable During development and prior to each release of the Wrapper will be tested intensively to ensure functionality.
Windows XP SP3 In-House Tested Not Applicable Expected to run Not Applicable During development and prior to each release of the Wrapper will be tested intensively to ensure functionality.
Windows Vista Usage reported Expected to run Expected to run Not Applicable Due to a stricter security policy introduced in Windows Vista, services are running in a seperate desktop.
Windows Vista SP1 Usage reported Expected to run Expected to run Not Applicable Due to a stricter security policy introduced in Windows Vista, services are running in a separate desktop.
Windows Vista SP2 Usage reported Expected to run Expected to run Not Applicable Due to a stricter security policy introduced in Windows Vista, services are running in a separate desktop.
Windows 7 In-House Tested In-House Tested Expected to run Not Applicable During development and prior to each release of the Wrapper will be tested intensively to ensure functionality.
Windows Server 2008 Expected to run Usage reported Usage reported Not Applicable
Windows Server 2008 SP2 Expected to run In-House Tested Usage reported Not Applicable Prior to each release of the Wrapper will be tested intensively to ensure functionality.


There are no known Distribution specific restriction on the Wrapper to run on an Linux based OS.

Linux In-House Tested In-House Tested In-House Tested In-House Tested During development and prior to each release of the Wrapper will be tested intensively to ensure functionality. The test environment uses the 2.6.18-6 + 2.6.31-20 kernel and should be downwards compatible. The used libc version is 2.3.6 + 2.10.1.

Due to the lack of hardware, we don't provide Wrapper binaries for other platforms (alpha, mips, sparc etc.), however building the pre-release package should work out of the box.


AIX In-House Tested Prior to each release of the Wrapper will be tested intensively to ensure functionality. The test environment runs on an 32/64 bit multiprocessor kernel version 6.5.


10.* Expected to run Expected to run
11.* In-House Tested In-House Tested Prior to each releases the Wrapper will be tested intensively to ensure functionality. The test environment runs a 11i (B.11.11) system on a HP9000 Model 785.


FreeBSD 5 Expected to run Expected to run No No
FreeBSD 6 In-House Tested In-House Tested No No Prior to each releases the Wrapper will be tested intensively to ensure functionality. The test as well as the build environments run the 6.4 Release. Basic test will also be done on a FreeBSD 7 release.
FreeBSD 7 In-House Tested In-House Tested No No Basic tests.

Due to the lack of PowerPC hardware we are currently not provide the Wrapper binaries for this platform, however building the pre-release package should work out of the box.


5.9 In-House Tested Not Applicable In-House Tested Prior to each releases the Wrapper will be tested intensively to ensure functionality. The test as well as the build environments runs 5.9 Solaris, this is partly also because to ensure the Wrapper links correctly to Versions below 5.9 are expected (and reported) to run as well.
5.10 In-House Tested In-House Tested In-House Tested Prior to each release of the Wrapper will be tested briefly to ensure functionality.


MacOSX In-House Tested In-House Tested In-House Tested During development and prior development the Wrapper will be tested intensively to ensure functionality. The binaries for MacOSX are universal binaries and therefore can be used on x86 and PPC architectures as well.


z/OS In-House Tested Prior to each release since platform is supported the Wrapper will be tested to ensure functionality. The test as well as the build environments run on a OS/390 (03.18.00) based system.


IRIX In-House Tested Not Applicable For the release of the Wrapper version 3.1.2, we received from a user the binaries. We currently don't have this platform available for further releases.
OSF Not Applicable In-House Tested For the release of the Wrapper version 3.1.2, we received from a user the binaries. We currently don't have this platform available for further releases.