
Compatibilidad :3.3.0
Ediciones :Edición ProfesionaEdición EstándarEdición de la Comunidad
Plataformas :WindowsMac OSXLinuxIBM AIXFreeBSDHP-UXSolarisIBM z/OSIBM z/Linux


DO NOT modify the value of this property while an application using the configuration file has been installed as a Windows Service. If the value is changed, it will make it impossible to uninstall the Service. Please uninstall the existing service BEFORE modifying this property. The service with the new value can then be safely reinstalled later.

The Service Name to use in error messages, events, etc.



On Windows, this property is used to register the Wrapper as a Windows Service.


On UNIX versions of the Wrapper, the included shell script will set this property using the value of the APP_NAME environment variable in the script.

Historical Reason:

Starting with Wrapper version 3.3.0, for historical reasons, this property defaults to the value taking over from the wrapper.ntservice.name property, which in turn the default value is "Wrapper".

Referencia: Visualización


Nombre de Pantalla:
