
Compatibility :3.3.6
Editions :Professional EditionStandard EditionCommunity Edition (Not Supported)
Platforms :WindowsMac OSXLinuxIBM AIXFreeBSDHP-UXSolarisIBM z/OSIBM z/Linux

The timezone property makes it possible to define the time zone in which the Wrapper will be executed.

Starting from version 3.5.29, it is advised to use IANA time zone identifiers. These identifiers are composed of the name of a continent or ocean followed by a slash and the name of a representative location within this area (typically the name of the largest city). For example, 'America/Los_Angeles' represents the timezone of Pacific Time. A full list of the identifiers can be found here.

Other possible values are 'UTC', optionally followed by '+(-)hhmm', to specify the offset to the Coordinated Universal Time, or 'SYSTEM' (3.5.46) to specify the local time zone of the system on which the Wrapper is running.

For backward compatibility, a list of time zone abbreviations (e.g. MST, GMT, JST, etc.) is also supported. However, Java deprecated these because the same abbreviation is sometimes used to represent several time zones. It is not recommended to use them in the Wrapper configuration because the same code may lead to different interpretations depending on the operating system.

With IANA time zones, the same configuration will always produce the same time regardless of the platform.

Examples on defining the Timezone:
wrapper.timezone=America/Los_Angeles  # Set the Timezone to Pacific Time
                                      # using a IANA identifier

wrapper.timezone=CET                  # Set the Timezone to Central European Time
                                      # using abbreviation

wrapper.timezone=UTC+0100             # Set the Timezone to UTC+01

wrapper.timezone=UTC-0530             # Set the Timezone to UTC-0530
                                      # (-5 hours and 30 minutes offset to UTC) 


Changing the timezone will affect the timestamps in all log output (in Standard and Professional Editions), as well as the wrapper.timer.<n>.interval property and the Email Settings (in Professional Edition).

Starting from version 3.5.35, the timezone, if specified, will be passed to the JVM using the 'user.timezone' option. This guarantees that the time is synchronized between the Wrapper and Java application.

It is possible to specify a different timezone for the Java application by setting the wrapper.java.timezone property.


Compatibility :3.5.29
Editions :Professional EditionStandard EditionCommunity Edition (Not Supported)
Platforms :WindowsMac OSXLinuxIBM AIXFreeBSDHP-UXSolarisIBM z/OSIBM z/Linux

This property is required when using an IANA identifier. It allows you to specify the path to a directory containing the IANA Time Zone Database source files.

The IANA Time Zone database is regularly updated to take into account changes in the local times all over the world. The database provides several files (one per region in the world) which are grouped together in a single tar.gz package, and available for download on the website of the Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA).

These files are called:

  • africa

  • asia

  • australasia

  • europe

  • northamerica

  • southamerica

You should select the file named with the region containing the selected timezone. For example, the file 'northamerica' would be used when using the time zone 'America/Los_Angeles'. Next, extract it and put it in the location specified by the wrapper.timezone.file property. You may also put other files in the same folder if you plan to change wrapper.timezone to a timezone located in another region.

Since Java also uses the IANA Time Zone Database, the time used by your Java application will be consistent with the time of the Wrapper as long as they use the same timezone identifier. However, you may have to confirm that the version of the timezone database is the same as the one provided in your JRE release. A list of the versions per JRE release is available on Oracle's website.


Until version 3.5.44, there was an issue where the Wrapper hung on startup if the file 'etcetera' (part of the IANA tz database) was present at the location specified by wrapper.timezone.folder. Removing this file would solve the issue. This has been fixed in version version 3.5.45.


Compatibility :3.3.7
Editions :Professional EditionStandard EditionCommunity Edition (Not Supported)
Platforms :WindowsMac OSXLinuxIBM AIXFreeBSDHP-UXSolarisIBM z/OSIBM z/Linux

Sometimes you want to turn off Summer (Daylight Saving) Time for some reasons like having the Wrapper run on different servers in different timezones and keeping the log files with the same timestamps, without changing the system's timezone. With this property, you can specify whether the Wrapper will change the timezone information to Summer(Daylight)/Winter Time automatically, if the wrapper.timezone property has been set.

The default value is "TRUE".

Example: (Enable the time change to Summer/Winter Time)


If a timezone doesn't use Summer Time, this property will be ignored. This also means that the Wrapper won't respect the property if the timezone was defined with "UTC+/-xxxx". Also when a Summer (Daylight) Time has been defined for wrapper.timezone, this property also has no effect.


Compatibility :3.5.30
Editions :Professional EditionStandard EditionCommunity Edition (Not Supported)
Platforms :WindowsMac OSXLinuxIBM AIXFreeBSDHP-UXSolarisIBM z/OSIBM z/Linux

This property allows to display the offset of the current timezone in the timestamps of the log outputs. When using a IANA timezone, an additional letter will be added to indicate if daylight saving time is in effect ('D' for Daylight saving time, 'S' for Standard time).

The default value is FALSE, meaning that the timestamps will be displayed without this additional information.

Example: (log output with wrapper.timezone.debug_timestamps=TRUE)
STATUS | 2016/03/16 17:54:44 GMT-07:00 D | wrapper  | --> Wrapper Started as Console

List of the supported timezone identifiers

IANA timezones

For a full list of the IANA timezone identifiers, please refer to this page.

Time zone abbreviations (deprecated)

NameOffset to UTC0 in hoursDescription
IDLW -12.0 International Date Line West
HAST -10.0 Hawaii Standard Time*
HDT -9.0 Hawaii Daylight Time**
AKST -9.0 Alaska Standard Time*
AKDT -8.0 Alaska Daylight Time**
YST -9.0 Yukon Standard Time*
YDT -8.0 Yukon Daylight Time**
PST -8.0 Pacific Standard Time*
PT -8.0 Pacific Time*
PDT -7.0 Pacific Daylight Time**
MST -7.0 Mountain Standard Time*
MDT -6.0 Mountain Daylight Time**
CST -6.0 Central Standard Time*
CDT -5.0 Central Daylight Time**
EST -5.0 Eastern Standard Time*
VST -4.5 Venezuelan Standard Time
EDT -4.0 Eastern Daylight Time**
AST -4.0 Atlantic Standard Time*
ADT -3.0 Atlantic Daylight Time**
NST -3.5 Newfoundland Standard Time*
NDT -2.5 Newfoundland Daylight Time**
GMT 0 Greenwich Mean Time*
WET 0 West European Time*
WEST +1.0 West European Summer Time**
WEDT +1.0 West European Daylight Time**
BST +1.0 British Summer Time**
WAT +1.0 West African Time
CET +1.0 Central European Time*
CEST +2.0 Central European Summer Time**
CEDT +2.0 Central European Daylight Time**
EET +2.0 East European Time*
EEST +3.0 East European Summer Time**
EAT +3.0 East African Time
BT +3.0 Baghdad Time
MSK +3.0 Moscow Time*
MSD +4.0 Moscow Daylight Time**
IRT +3.5 Iran Time*
IRST +4.5 Iran Summer Time**
IST +5.5 Indian Standard Time
ICT +7.0 Indochina Time
KRAT +7.0 Krasnoyarsk Time*
KRAST +8.0 Krasnoyarsk Summer Time**
CNST +8.0 China Standard Time
ULAT +8.0 Ulaanbaatar Time
CIT +8.0 Central Indonesian Time
MYT +8.0 Malaysian Time
SGT +8.0 Singapore Time
PHT +8.0 Philippine Time
IRKT +8.0 Irkutsk Time*
IRKST +9.0 Irkutsk Summer Time**
AWST +8.0 Australian West Standard Time
AWDT +9.0 Australian West Daylight Time
JST +9.0 Japan Standard Time
CHOT +9.0 Choibalsan Time
EIT +9.0 East Indonesian Time
ACST +9.5 Australian Central Standard Time*
ACDT +10.5 Australian Central Daylight Time**
AEST +10.0 Australian East Standard Time*
AEDT +11.0 Australian East Daylight Time**
NFT +11.5 Norfolk Time
IDLE +12.0 International Date Line East
NZST +12.0 New Zealand Standard Time*
NZDT +13.0 New Zealand Daylight Time**

* Timezone has a summer/winter time

** Summer/Daylight Savings time


Compatibility :3.5.46
Editions :Professional EditionStandard EditionCommunity Edition (Not Supported)
Platforms :WindowsMac OSXLinuxIBM AIXFreeBSDHP-UXSolarisIBM z/OSIBM z/Linux

This property can be used to override the value of wrapper.timezone and configure a different timezone for the Java application. The same values as wrapper.timezone can be used.

This property defaults to the value of the wrapper.timezone property.


As of Wrapper version 3.5.50, when wrapper.java.timezone uses (or defaults to) a value with 'UTC', it is passed to the command line using the corresponding 'GMT' notation to be compatible with Java.

Example of output:
INFO   | 2022/05/11 10:11:10 | wrapper  |   Command: "C:\...\java.exe" ... -Duser.timezone=GMT+9 ...


The time zone is passed to the JVM by adding the 'user.timezone' system property to the Java command line. If the Java application spawns child processes that use the same timezone, user.timezone should be forwarded to these processes as well.


The Wrapper sets its internal clock by using the TZ environment variable. Before version 3.5.46, the Java process, as well as its child processes, were getting a copy of the environment with TZ being set to the Wrapper timezone. However, whenever the Wrapper adjusted the time for daylight savings changes, TZ would get out of sync with the Java process(es). From version 3.5.46, the value of TZ is always restored to its original value prior to launching the JVM.